I'm feeling guilty about the Singing Pen right now. Seems that this blog is getting the short end of the stick, lately, with my contributing to the AFP Community Blog, slogging through data entry on a research project, and trying to keep plugging away on my novel draft.
And yet, with all of that going on, this blog is still frequently on my mind. I still have ideas on a regular basis that could prompt a post, but I never get around to actually typing them out and getting it out there.
One of those ideas relates to the summer URI that I have recently recovered from. I have never called off work for a cold before, but this virus was a doozy. I spent two days at home huddled on the couch with a box of tissues, watching a stream of stupid TV shows in a vain attempt to distract my psyche from my nose and sinuses.
That first day when I start to feel better is always a really good one, though. I'm reminded to have gratitude for my overall good health and my ability to recover. I always realize, looking back over the days of missed work (and not blogging or data-entry-ing or writing) that the world will still rotate just fine without those activities - and, that sacrificing exercise and good nutrition to get them all done will have consequences. Those are the days that inspire me to restructure the juggling act.
I know it won't last; somehow, having a plate that is overflowing just a tad feels comfortable to me. Or, rather, having empty space on my plate, even a sliver, makes me feel like a slacker. So, I'm diving back in to all of the things I like to do, knowing full well that I probably should back off on something a bit.
But I'm confident that a virus will always be waiting to remind me that there's a better way.